Cosmetica Natural Málaga Cosmética Ecológica Marbella Jabones Naturales Estepona Jabón Ecológico -TALLER DE INTRODUCCIÓN A LA COSMÉTICA NATURAL -CURSOS Y TALLERES AVANZADOS EN ELABORACIÓN DE JABONES Y COSMÉTICA NATURAL EN MÁLAGA. APRENDE A ELABORAR TUS PROPIOS COSMÉTICOS 100% NATURALES. PRECIO: 59€ POR PERSONA, DURACIÓN: 4 HORAS, DE 10:00 A 14:00h O DE 16:00 A 20:00h LUGAR: PROVINCIA DE MÁLAGA. PARA IR A DOMICILIO EN LA PROVINCIA DE MÁLAGA O CÁDIZ MÍNIMO GRUPOS DE 5 PERSONAS. INCLUYE: DOSIER CON RECETAS Y TEMARIO DADO, LISTADO DE TÓXICOS A EVITAR. EL ALUMNO SE LLEVA A CASA LOS PRODUCTOS QUE ELABOREMOS: UN LABIAL DE KARITÉ Y NARANJA, UNA HIDRATANTE FACIAL, ALCOHOL DE ROMERO, UNGÜENTO PARA PIES Y MANOS AGRIETADOS, ACEITE DE CALÉNDULA MACERADA, JABÓN DE GLICERINA ECOLÓGICO Y COLONIA DE LAVANDA EL TALLER SE DIVIDIRÁ EN UNA PARTE DE TEORÍA DEDICADA A QUE CONOZCAS QUE ES LA COSMÉTICA NATURAL, LOS TÓXICOS DEL MERCADO, LOS ACEITES, EL FUNCIONAMIENTO DE LA PIEL...Y EN OTRA PRÁCTICA EN LA QUE ELABORAREMOS LOS PRODUCTOS QUE SE LLEVA EL ALUMNO. INFORMACIÓN Y RESERVAS: TELEFONO 684 364 764 Instagram: arrebolaeloisa !!!!!SIENTE LA MAGIA DE CREAR CON TUS MANOS¡¡¡ *EN OTROS TALLERES Y CURSOS ELABORAREMOS OTRO TIPO DE PRODUCTOS DE COSMÉTICA NATURAL QUE PODRÁN VARIAR TANTO EN DURACIÓN COMO EN COMPOSICIÓN. TAMBIÉN HACEMOS PRECIOS ESPECIALES Y DESCUENTOS PARA GRUPOS Y ASOCIACIONES SEGÚN EL NÚMERO DE ASISTENTES. Talleres de Cosmética Natural en Málaga Cursos de Cosmética Natural en Málaga Talleres de Cosmética Natural Instagram Talleres de Cosmética Natural Facebook Cursos de Cosmética Natural Twitter Cursos de Cosmética Natural Youtube Talleres Cosmética Ecológica Estepona Talleres Cosmética Ecológica Marbella Cursos Cosmética Ecológica en Málaga Talleres Cosmética Ecológica en Málaga Costa del Sol Cosmética Natural Talleres Cosmética Natural en Estepona Talleres Cosmética Natural en Marbella Talleres Cosmética Natural en Málaga Estepona Cosmética Natural Marbella Cosmética Natural Málaga Cosmética Natural Ecological Cosmetic Class Estepona Cosmética Natural Marbella Ecological Cosmetics practical workshop Estepona Cosmética Natural Málaga Jabón Aceite de Oliva Málaga Taller Jabones Aceite Oliva Málaga Talleres Jabones Ecológicos Málaga Taller Jabones Naturales Estepona Taller de Jabones Naturales en Marbella Talleres Jabón Natural Málaga Cosmética Ecológica Marbella Cosmética Natural Estepona Marbella Cosmética Natural Málaga Málaga Cosmética Natural Estepona Málaga Cosmética Natural Marbella Talleres Cosmética Artesanal Marbella Talleres Cosmética Artesanal Málaga Talleres Cosmética Ecológica Estepona Cursos Cosmética Ecológica Marbella Málaga Cosmética Ecológica Cosmética Ecológica Málaga Talleres Cosmética Natural Costa del Sol Cursos Cosmética Natural en Málaga Cursos Cosmética Natural Estepona Cursos Cosmética Natural Marbella Málaga Cosmética Natural Cosmética Natural Tita Claudia Costa del Sol Jabón Natural Cursos Jabones Artesanos Marbella Jabón Artesano Estepona Talleres Jabones Artesanos Málaga Jabón Ecológico Costa del Sol Jabón Ecológico Estepona Cursos Jabón Ecológico Marbella Jabón Ecológico Málaga Jabón Natural Costa del Sol Jabón Natural en Málaga Jabón Natural Estepona Marbella Jabón Natural Taller Jabón Natural Marbella Curso Jabón Natural Málaga Málaga Cosmética Natural Málaga Jabón Natural Tita Claudia Cosmética Natural Clases de Cosmética Natural en Málaga Cosmética Artesana Estepona Clases de Cosmética Artesanal en Málaga Clases de Cosmética Ecológica en Marbella Clases Cosmética Ecológica Málaga Clases Cosmética Natural Estepona Taller Cosmética Natural Marbella Taller Cosmética Natural en Málaga Costa del Sol Cosmética Natural Talleres Cosmética Natural Estepona Estepona Jabones Ecológicos Talleres Jabones Naturales Estepona Jabones Artesanos Marbella Jabones Artesanos Málaga Jabón Artesano Málaga Jabón Ecológico Málaga Jabón Natural Estepona Jabón Natural Marbella Taller práctico Jabón Natural Málaga Marbella Cosmética Natural Marbella Jabones Ecológicos Marbella Jabones Naturales Málaga Cosmética Natural Málaga Jabones Naturales Málaga Jabón Ecológico

viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019

8 Habits That Are Linked To A Long Life

8 Habits That Are Linked To A Long Life

Many people think that life expectancy is largely determined by genetics.
However, genes play a much smaller role than originally believed. It turns out that environmental factors like diet and lifestyle are key.
Here are 8 habits linked to a long life. 1.Eat more nuts
Nuts are nutritional powerhouses.
They're rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, and beneficial plant compounds. What’s more, they’re a great source of several vitamins and minerals, such as copper, magnesium, potassium, folate, niacin, and vitamins B6 and E. Several studies show that nuts have beneficial effects on heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, belly fat levels, and even some forms of cancer. 2.Try out turmeric
When it comes to anti-aging strategies, turmeric is a great option. That’s because this spice contains a potent bioactive compound called curcumin.
Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin is thought to help maintain brain, heart, and lung function, as well as protect against cancers and age-related diseases. 3.Eat plenty of healthy plant foods
Consuming a wide variety of plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole-grains, and beans, may decrease disease risk and promote longevity. For example, many studies link a plant-rich diet to a lower risk of premature death, as well as a reduced risk of cancer, metabolic syndrome, heart-disease, depression, and brain deterioration. These effects are attributed to plant foods’ nutrients and antioxidants, which include polyphenols, carotenoids, folate, and Vitamin-C. 4.Stay physically active
It should come as no surprise that staying physically active can keep you healthy and add years to your life. As few as 15 minutes of exercise per day may help you achieve benefits, which could include an additional 3-years of life. 5.Don't smoke
Smoking is strongly linked to disease and early death. Overall, people who smoke may lose up to 10-years of life and be 3-times more likely to die prematurely than those who never pick-up a cigarette. Keep in mind that it's never too late to quit. 6.Prioritize your happiness
Feeling happy can significantly increase your longevity. In fact, happier individuals had a 3.7% reduction in early death over a 5-year study period.
a review of 35 studies showed that happy people may live up to 18% longer than their less happy counterparts 7.Drink green tea
Both coffee and tea are linked to a decreased risk of chronic disease.
For instance, the polyphenols and catechins found in green tea may decrease your risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease 8.Develop a good sleeping pattern
Sleep is crucial for regulating cell function and helping your body heal.
A recent study reports that longevity is likely linked to regular sleeping patterns, such as going to bed and waking up around the same time each day.
Too little sleep may also promote inflammation and increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. These are all linked to a shortened lifespan. Longevity may seem beyond your control, but many healthy habits may lead you to a ripe, old-age. Cursos Cosmética Natural Málaga Talleres Jabones Naturales Málaga
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